buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title LinkScroll - Beautiful URL Shortener style.css header class hero nav div LinkScroll class logo div class nav-links a Features href #features a Create href #create a Stats href #stats a Login class cta-button href #login div class hero-content h1 Beautiful Link Management p Transform your long URLs into elegant, memorable links with powerful analytics div class cta-group a Get Started class primary-button href #create a View Demo class secondary-button href #demo main section id features class features h2 Why LinkScroll? div class feature-grid div class feature-card div ✨ class feature-icon h3 Beautiful Links p Create custom, branded short URLs that look professional div class feature-card div 📊 class feature-icon h3 Rich Analytics p Track clicks, locations, and engagement in real-time div class feature-card div 🔒 class feature-icon h3 Secure & Private p Enterprise-grade security with custom privacy controls div class feature-card div 🚀 class feature-icon h3 Lightning Fast p Built for speed with global edge network distribution section id create class link-creator h2 Create Your Link div class creator-container input type url placeholder Enter your long URL here... id urlInput button Shorten class primary-button id shortenBtn div class result-container id resultArea section id stats class statistics h2 Real-Time Statistics div class stats-grid div class stat-card h3 Links Created p 1M+ div class stat-card h3 Total Clicks p 50M+ div class stat-card h3 Active Users p 100K+ footer div class footer-content div class footer-links a Terms href /terms a Privacy href /privacy a API href /api p Built with love for the web community script.js